Saturday, May 19, 2012

Celebrate Grandpa!

Personalized German Grandpa Tshirt
Personalized Italian Nonno Tshirt

During my travels over the years, I have noticed so much national pride in the citizens of the foreign countries I have visited. I have just returned from a trip to Ireland and once again her citizens were ever so excited to share the history and culture of this beautiful Emerald Isle. It is so refreshing to see the excitement and celebration of a national heritage. As the United States is a melting pot of so many cultures and familial backgrounds, it thrills me so see so many Americans cultivate and preserve their ancestral inheritance. With these thoughts in mind, wouldn't it be grand to recognize your grandfather's lineage with a special gift for Father's Day? All of these shirts can be customized for the country of your choosing as well as for Daddy too! Zoey is here to help so just let us know what you need!

Personalized Irish Papa Tshirt

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