Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We interrupt this (non-regularly scheduled) blogging to bring you a vacation recap

Sorry friends. I've been horribly negligent with my blog over here at ZA. See, to be truthful, I maintain many a blog in many a different areas and keeping up with them all is not always as easy as I think it should be.

In addition, we've been busy over here! Our birdie line is taking flight (sorry, couldn't help it)! We are selling Pecking Order shirts like crazy and have had a little bit of a hard time keeping up with the demand, so things like blogging have suffered a tad!

We also snuck away for a little family vacation. Well, I'm not sure if I can actually call it a vacation. Sure, there were beaches, pools and palm trees but with two kiddos under three the word "vacation" doesn't seem to be a perfect fit. However, we did have a blast showing them the ocean and building sandcastles. It was really a great time - car problems, ear infections and all!

We've got some exciting more stuff coming later this summer including some fantastic photo contests and more - so stay tuned. We're back and we're blogging better than ever!

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer. What are you all up to? Anybody take a vacation this year? Where did you go and how did you manage all the work of getting there and staying there? Let me know!


Anonymous said...

Can you please contact me - I have a question regarding one of the products you sell on and I can't seem to contact you on the normal "contact us" form.

Thanks so much

sarah said...

love the hat! we are heading to the beach this week, too. my 2 year old's first trip!